
"Let your light shine"
Matthew 5 : 16 in the bible reads as our Lord says "...
let your light shine before others, that they may see
your good deeds
and glorify your Father in heaven." This proves a great challenge to the Christian believers that our deeds be that of which
would be praised by others to bear witness as children of God. The only purpose of a spiritual life is to glorify God.
Wherever the children of God come together becomes a place and time for worship. It brings great pleasure when the Indian
Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church's members join in worship afar here at Hamilton in New Zealand. The congregation bears the
name of its patron St. Gregorios of Malankara, India. He was a Pillar of light through his life and after. The holy father in
his eternal abode is a great suppliant and a shore of solace for those seeking his prayers. The St. Gregorios Indian Orthodox
Church (SGIOC), Hamilton, bears good witness rendering its charities both to the community and the society in true worship
and true service. Thus it enhances spiritual nurturing, togetherness and a helping hand, enabling its light to shine.
It is indeed an occasion of joy to join here in the Heavenly Father's service.
Fr. Anu Mathew
Mr. Boby Philipose
Mrs. Rinta Varghese
Committee Members
- Mr. Alexander P Varghese
- Mr. Deepak Joseph
- Mr. Rajan Varghese
Sunday School Head Master
Mrs. Tinu Kurien
Prayer Group Secretary
Mr. Bibin Eappen Jacob